Happy Thanksgiving day to everyone! :)
Although Thanksgiving is not really something I celebrate, I think it makes for a great time to give thanks to the wonderful people and things who surrounding me, for making my life that little bit more special. So a big thanks to:
1. Jaws kaiten Sushi for having fried chicken in your sushi train. You have created deep-fried happiness drowned in spicy Japanese mayo.

Can we ride the train?
2. Tony and Kim for having an incredibly fun wedding. You've given me so much to look forward to on my wedding.

3. Thank you Dad. You have taught me so much and continue to do so. I really enjoyed our lunch date.
4. Thank you Chelsea for running with me every Monday afternoons. I know I don't give you much opportunity to sniff other dog butts, but you still love me all the same. More meaty bites for you.

5. Thanks DJ Al for games nights and Resident Evil. I hope we don't see anymore of those freaky things that we can only shoot when its' stomach opens.

Chris Redfield is such a perv. Look where he's looking.
6. Thank you Anh for agreeing to marry me. Is it too late to back out now? Love you.

.. is where the heart is.
7. Thank you Chilliz for my $4.30 Honey Chicken Rice lunch. You have given hope to under $5 lunchers like me.
8. Thank you Naruto Shippuden. You continue to inspire me to be a ninja.

Sasuke and Itachi battle is epic!! It has eye gouging and giant fireballs
9. Thank you Steam for my new skin whitening treatment.
10. And thank you for the music, for giving it to me.