Friday 23 November 2007

2008 Soy MyFacester & the new PC

3 Willings
1) Four Seasons BBQ - Barrack Street
2) Naruto Shippuden
3) Zelda: Phantom Hourglass


My brother, in all of his forgetful glory, has mixed up the names of social networking sites and has come up with a great new idea.

Introducing - G-MyFacester (pronounce - Gee, Mai feys-stir)

It combines Gmail, MySpace, Facebook and Friendster into an all-in-one multi-facet social networking page.

It checks everyone's account and with keeps in touch of ALL your friends in ALL of their networking sites. Pretty cool huh.

I’m sure someone's eventually going to do it.

But yeah, you heard about it here first :)

Soy Capitan

I went pale last night when I discovered the bottle of soy sauce in the back of my car spilled all over the boot.

Luckily I had a plastic boot liner so the damage was minimal.
But I still spent an hour or so scrubbing the back trying to get rid of the soy smell.

No wonder I've been thinking chicken rice the whole day.This pic has nothing to do with this post. But I think its amusing. Taken from here.

2008 Year of the Travel

A lot of the people I know are travelling next year. Travel bugs everywhere! Woot! Wooot!

And with the local budget airlines giving away cheap tickets, there's really no excuse to not have a holiday.

Merry Vista.

My parents were very surprised last night when they walked into their room to find a brand spanking new desktop computer!

Its sooo sexy.

It’s black with silver frames. It’s got so many USB ports and blue LED thingy jiggys. Plus it had big widescreen LCD to watch Jumong on.

Damn s3xy!!

My mom was almost in tears.
Dad's very happy too. He couldn't wait to start surfing!

For years they've been using the pass-me down computers (stripped of the memory modules because I kept those for meself..)

That’s sounds really mean, but they weren't really THAT into computers and teh intraweb. We'll.. that’s how I justified giving them turtle PCs anyhows.

When their turtle PC went up in smokes (literally), they needed a new computer. Dad was asking about a new one, but I told him I could get him another old box from someone I knew.

There was this sad expression on his face. But he knew I just wanted to save some money and agreed.


*light bulb*


So my parents are now the happy owners of a dual core system. Who would have thought they'd own the most testically charged PC in the house.

I just hope I don't find any YouTube videos of them.

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