Monday 22 May 2006

City Gardens - Sau's Farewell Part 2

Just stepped out of the club.
Hungry as a hippo.

Need something to absorb the Bacardi 151 in the system.

The guys were starting to get violent.

We needed food and we needed it badly.

Plus we needed somewhere to pee.

Thank you late night chinese food :)

The mini china town in Perth offers several chinese restaurants serving pretty much the same thing. If you can't decide between Billy Lee or Uncle Billy, go with one without Billy - City Garden Restaurant.

Thankfully some of us were in the right state of mind to order
I did say some right?

The food kinda just landed on the tabled and disappeared. Everything tastes good after the club.
Sau's favourite

Once we've had our feed, we took a quick shot of the gang before going our own ways.
I got home just in time... for breakfast

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chinese food is always yummy, good to the last bite!