Friday, 24 February 2006
I had protection - so why o why!
I hate computer viruses!!
Note: I apologise if you thought that this post is about something else! :P
When I got my computer a year ago I told myself - never shall my baby be infected with the wrongs that are viruses, adwares and spywares. I’ve had so much trouble with them in the past, I told myself never again! NEVER again! So abstinence from internet was my solution for my PC. Without internet, she should be fine (the older PCs I’ll use for internet). So I didn’t bother with virus protection. She was virus free until about six months later. It was a dark stormy night.
A friend called me up and asked if I wanted to try multiplayer DoTA. Curious if my machine could handle such a task, I opted to try it. "But you have to connect to the internet.." Oh do I? Oh ok… I was reluctant. I knew I had no protection, but surely If I was smart about this I shouldn’t get virused.
So for the first time ever, I listened to the computer’s modem sing to a 56k connection. Connected. Ok. As long as I stay away from dodgy sites, I should be fine. Hmm I haven’t checked my email yet. Let me try hotmail. Www dot hotmail dot com. A message box pops up. What’s this?
"An applications is trying to change your registry. We recommend you visit our website for the latest anti virus protection tools…. "
The hotmail log-on page hadn’t even finished loading and I was already hacked! I quickly searched the Symantec Website to figure out what was going on. But I was just digging a hole for myself. In a matter of minutes my homepage was kidnapped, five new processes have mushroomed in Task Manager and a few trojans have nestled their way into my Windows registry. A few short cuts have even popped up on my desktop.
I desperately installed my antivirus programs to maybe clean up the mess. They found some worms, but the connection to update the definition files probably downloaded more baddies. I was still being redirected and ads still popped up. I tried other softwares but it was too late, she was gone. Even scans during safe mode always discovered something new.
It happened so quickly! And just like that, my baby was gone.
She was reformatted the next day. May her bits and bytes rest in peace.
It’s been about seven months since that dreaded incident. Since then my computer has been upgraded with a plethora of internet security tools. It has three firewalls (one hardware and two software), virus scanners, spyware, malware, adware and tupperware protection. Updates are downloaded regularly. And even though I sometimes download overnight, I feel secure. Life is good.
Was good.
Last night my mom asked me "Will, can I borrow your PC, I want to write an email.." My mom has recently figured out how to use Hotmail and wanted to email my cousin. My PC was running on my administrator user account.
"Sure, whatever…"
I was sleepy and I wasn’t thinking right.
"Will, I was going through my email, but how come this message keeps popping up?"
Again, just like that.
Wednesday, 22 February 2006
Sad but Beautiful
..look for the girl with the broken smile..
..I won't be held responsible, she fell in love in the first place..
..but its time to face the truth, ill never be with you..
..I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery..
..I just want you to know who I am..
Sunday, 19 February 2006
Fishbowl Blog: Freemantle

The usual suspects: Will, Thuan and Ben
Perth has many fishing spots - one of the most popular is Freemantle. Freemantle is Western Australia's major shipping port. The city is a touristy place popular for its heritage, cafe strip and Fish n Chips! We went to Freemantle on a late afternoon to find a lot of other people with fish in their minds
One fish I REALLY want to catch. Honda Integra Type R. Sweeeet!
Thuan ponders on a fishy thought
Because there were so many people, it was difficult to find a place to set up. We tried some spots but the results were disastrous! Thuan caught a: buoy!! and a..
.. a seagull!! What are the chances of that!!
Things started to look bad. I didn't like the thought of going home empty handed and having dinner at Macdonalds again. We needed a spot and we needed it badly! Lucky for us a few fishermen left early.
Tools of the trade:
1) 10 Foot fishing rod - equiped with 30lbs fishing line
2) Tackle box - holds a cache of hooks, swivels, sinkers. Has a knife, pliers and mosquito repellant
3) Head lamp - EXTREMELY GEEKY looking when put on, but lights up the darkness

This was our bait - Mullies. I think they'd be good enough to eat if they weren't so mushy
One of the things I love about fishing is the 'hanging out' there by the sea. The view is awesome and the breeze is really calming. Helps me de-stress from the hustle and bustle of everyday chores.
Handsome fishermen do exist! Heheheh :P
Once it started getting dark, we attached glow sticks to our lines. Some say it attracts fish. I put it to help me see where my line is! Can also be used for clubbing! *electronica music - doof doof doof *
Its like kryptonite for Superfishies - its their weakness!
And sure enough, I caught a Taylor (aka Milkfish) moments later !!! Yay!Note all the saltspray on my glasses. I refuse to see how geeky I am with that headlamp!
The unpleasantries of fishing.
Bait, fish blood n guts and the long-lasting fishy smell on your hands.
After a long wait - I scored another fish!!
A skippy! Undersized, so I had to throw it back or I'll get arresed for being a pedophile.
Thuan with his first ever Taylor catch! He's not a Taylor virgin anymore! Now he's a fisherMAN hehehe.
So after a few hours out there on the rocks, this was our bounty:
Five pieces of fish! Boh! Not even enough to feed us three!
I guess no fish for dinner. But at least we didnt' go home empty handed :)
Friday, 17 February 2006
Endings and Beginnings
Two of my buddies are leaving at the end of the month. They’re flying overseas to seek greater fame and glory. They haven’t gone yet, but I’m already starting to miss them. They are the catalysts to non-stop partying. They are my sports, my comic and my perving buddies. They are channels of
They’ll be back they say, but somehow I feel an era is ending.
Surrendering to the notion that life has cycles makes me a bit sad. Something that starts off wonderful will surely end in sadness. Life then death. Full bottle of CC’s then empty bottle. I wish things can start off wonderful, then get sad somewhere in the middle, then end happily.
Hang on!
Things always start of sad. And something comes along and makes it great.
Then THAT's how it ends.
Thursday, 16 February 2006
Coffee break
Lattes, long, short, white, strong black, Brazilian, Morrocan, babycinos, and orange mango frappocinos. Doesn't matter if it’s from Starbucks, Gloria Jeans, Dome, Central Perk or a bottle of Nescafe blend 43/45. If it’s got coffee - I don't want
I know it smells awesome and that it helps u get up in the morning and blah blah blah.
But due to my psychological scaring to coffee breath, I've long avoided this drink.
During my younger years, I had a teacher who smoked and loved drinking coffee. The result was a breath so bad - it made vomit smell like the new J-Lo perfume. I told myself there and then - never shall I touch something that causes so much pain and suffering to others. So this is the underlying reason why I don't smoke nor drink coffee.
But I have giant coffee mug though! Check it out!Its about the size of the Central Perk mugs they use in Friends. Plus it doubles as a bowl when cooking maggi noodles at work. Shame it doesn't do anything else.

Sunday, 12 February 2006
Weird Item #203
But if your looking for toilet brushes, this is your only choice.
Thursday, 9 February 2006
A Special day in February
But next Tuesday, the 14th of Feb, is going to be an even more special day.
Its Spam day!
Check out my menu:
Entree - Turkish bread with Spam dip
Main - Spam steak with onion sauce served with potato spam salad
Dessert - Spam creme brule`
Of course this is served with a glass of 1992 Hormel Spamignon Blanc. It will definitely be a meal to remember!
But spam day is not the only day to look out for! There’s Movie day on Friday, Walk the dog Wednesdays, Spaghetti Thursdays and Sleep-in Sundays! So maaany things happening this month! :)
I guess what I’m trying to say is everyday is a special day! Not just birthdays, Christmas and anniversaries. Or the upcoming Valentines Day.
Everyone is special – everyday!
Not just one or twice a year.

Monday, 6 February 2006
Zoom zoomy - 06 Mazda Cruise

These are the members of the WA branch of the OzMazda Club. We're a bunch of Mazda drivers who spend lots of time in forums discussing important car matters like "how many kilometres do you get with your full tank?" and "which air freshener smells better - strawberry hills or minty forrest?" :)
These are our toys. Nice ay?

Our convoy consisted of seven Mazda3, one Mx-5 and the traitor Honda Euro Accord.

After an hour of driving around (and getting lost a bit.. ) we've finally made it to York!

Lets just say York was a blinding contrast to the bustling city of Perth. It did have its charming buildings though.
The only gas station in town only had one pump! Good thing none of us needed 98 octane
The town Mazda 2 was seriously bugged! It must have killed a thousand bugs just on the bonnet alone
Agent M and I checked out the town bus. We needed someone to yank our crank to get it movin`
Meeting place before we headed back to Perth was a nearby park.
All the asian drivers drove Titanium coloured Mazdas. Weird ay?
Bridge of Death! Actually it wasn't called that, but it was still scary.
Talking to the other Mazda drivers I knew we had only cars in our mind
We talked about car stuff. Mods and dyno runs and other car events. We were even analysing the other 'rides'
After the discussions, we were all off again!
Ahhh. Back to civilisation!
The forums were cluttered with posts and pics that night. Everyone had a great zoom zoomy drive :)