I survived week 4 which was my bucks/bachelor's party week. I had a great time catching up with my friends but nearly lost a liver from the excessive drinking. Amazon woman was hot. lolz. I didn't spill my guts, but I think should have as I paid for it dearly the following Sunday.
Week 3 was a weird week. I was told to go home from work because I was acting 'sick' :P On the way home my car was hit by a plaster board which broke off from the truck in front of me. It was scary as hell, like a scene from a movie. A small propeller hovering from a far, then suddenly spinning its way straight to my car. There was a moment of silent slow motion and realisation that it was going to hit. Then BAM! A deafening thud. Plasterboard stuck my car at speeds at least 100km/hr piercing my windscreen.
The bright side to this is I didn't have to call the repairer to fix a previous chip on my windscreen :P
Having survived the 'plaster of death' I am now fighting my waist line. Lolz. The birthdays and celebrations this month has meant non-stop eating. Big dinners and food food food!! I literally had to roll myself to bed last night for my mom's birthday and father's day dinner. This morning I went for a jog to work it off, but Pizza for breakfast kinda cancelled it out. :P This is my toughest challenge yet.