Monday 19 June 2006

My Holidays by Numbers

17 - nights spent overseas
26 - age I turned
56 - photos taken per day
49 - price of cranberry vodka jug
9 - total number of movies watched
10 - times I rode a roller coaster
1 - sleepless night
180 - cost of new hairstyle
7 - number of people I saw picking digging their nose in public
93.5 - radio channel i listened to
4 - times I ate at Delifrance
13 - people I bought stuff for
31 - lugguge weight
2 - rice burgers eaten
6 - mashi maro dolls purchased
25 - price of beer in our hotel bar
29 - Average temperature
3 - Total weight gained


Anonymous said...

7 - number of people I saw picking digging their nose in public
How gross...

4 - times I ate at Delifrance
Delifrance rocks... Love their french bread and their bacon-cheese something (sheesh I forgot the name of the bread).

6 - mashi maro dolls purchased
What's a mashi maro doll?

3 - Total weight gained
In kg. or lbs.? Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

hi tal,

yup. asians are notorious nose diggers :P shameless.

mashimaro is a cute white japanese bear/rabbit/rodent (not sure)look it up on google 'mashimaro'

weight gained is in kilos. :(