I'm back at school!!
Well - pseudo-school anyways :) I'm doing distance-education which is studying by correspondence. The study in our house is my campus. And it's an awesome campus! I can go to class in my PJ's, Lychi is my classmate and the kitchen is literally just around the corner! SWEET!!!!
I got my student card last week which is so HORRENDOUS I can't even bare looking at it. *shiver*
But really, I'm very excited about studying again.
It sounds weird for me to say that considering how painful it was when I studied almost ten years ago. But I think it makes a big difference being in industry for a while. I think I have a better perspective on what's important (or at least what's relevant) and I'm truly interested in the units I picked.
I'm absorbing information like sponge. Well.. whether or not that knowledge is leaking out - that's another story.
Alrights - back to study.... soon lolz.